Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh, For the Love of Grammar!

Have you ever walked by a sign or a billboard and noticed that there are too many commas, apostrophes, letters, et cetera? I am constantly finding grammatical errors and it makes me shake my head as I laugh.

Just the other day, I was browsing Google and I found a picture of a sign that said "Best Price's on Coffee." I know it sounds strange, but I just can't seem to understand why people cannot seem to grasp that every "s" does not require an apostrophe preceding it. So remember, only put an apostrophe in front of (or after) an "s" if you are trying to show possession, for compound nouns, and to pluralize letters and figures.

Look at the picture to the left. I do not know why, but it often seems as though government signs mess up way too much. This picture brings a thought immediately to mind...Why would I want to steal their plates? I have no interest in the Department of Transportation's plates. Of course, I am just kidding, but it does seem as though grammatical errors happen way to often for my liking.

Are you as interested in bad grammar as I am? If so, I highly recommend the book "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" by Lynne Truss. This book is an amazing take on grammar and how to approach it. It reads like a novel and leaves the reader with a (possibly) newfound appreciation for punctuation. This book will make you think, but in a good way. For more about the book, including The Punctuation Game, excerpts from the book, and professional responses to the book, go to http://www.eatsshootsandleaves.com/. If you are interested in reading the book, check at your local or school library. Happy Punctuating!

1 comment:

Carol Towle said...

I love this book and as you know I am a stickler on grammar also and editing, editing, editing!!